Video thumbnails could not be stored. Directory does not exist or is not writable by server.

Check if /wp-content/uploads/epytv_video_thumbs directory exist and if it is writable by server. If your web server is running Apache, it usually runs as www, www-data, nobody or apache. To find out the Apache username, use the following command ps aux | egrep '([a|A]pache|[h|H]ttpd)'.

Directory could not be created. Please check the parent directory write permission.

Web server cannot create a directory for YouTube video thumbnails inside /wp-content/uploads directory. Check if web server has write permissions on this directory.

Video thumbnails could not be stored. Directory is not writable by server.

Plugin cannot store YouTube videos in epytv_video_thumbs directory. Check if /wp-content/uploads/epytv_video_thumbs is writable by server.

Thumbnail for video could not be stored.

A WordPress function wp_upload_bits() exited with error. See error description in parenthesis for more details.

Thumbnail for video could not be fetched.

A WordPress function wp_safe_remote_get() was unable to fetch YouTube video thumbnail. See error description in parenthesis for more details.

Video thumbnails could not be downloaded.

There is a problem in communication with YouTube API. If problem persist, contact support.