How To Setup Your Account And Use WordPress Plugin
Follow the instructions bellow or watch this video:
After logging in to the control panel, register your website domain name.
Go to your website Dashboard (, click on the menu item Embed Private YouTube Video -> Authorization and follow the procedure.
If you want to revoke permissions granted to this App, you can do it anytime by removing it from Third-party apps with account access at Apps with access to your account page.
After successful authorization, in the same window, you will see a slider with videos hosted on your YouTube account.
To embed your first private YouTube video:
Click to add a new page or post;
enter the title (eg. “My Private YouTube Video”),
enter the desired textual content,
Using Gutenberg block
Click on to add a new block,
Search for a block by entering “embed” and select “Embed Private YouTube Video”,
Enter YouTube video ID, toggle player settings (Autoplay, Show title, etc.) and enter values for player width and height.
In Classic editor
click on the button, Insert YouTube video, Alternatively, you can use shortcode [yt_video]ytvideoid[/yt_video] or [yt_video controls=”0″ autoplay=”1″ end=”20″]ytvideoid[/yt_video], if you want to pass supported parameters. Supported parameters are – autoplay, cc_lang_pref, cc_load_policy, color, controls, disablekb, end, fs, hl, iv_load_policy, loop, modestbranding, rel, start. See this page for detailed description.
select the desired video from the slider and click the Insert video button,