Follow the instructions bellow or watch this video:

  1. After logging in to the control panel, register your website domain name.
  2. Go to your website Dashboard (, click on the menu item Embed Private YouTube Video -> Authorization and follow the procedure.
    Authorize Google App 1
    If you want to revoke permissions granted to this App, you can do it anytime by removing it from Third-party apps with account access at Apps with access to your account page.
  3. After successful authorization, in the same window, you will see a slider with videos hosted on your YouTube account.
    Google App authorized
  4. To embed your first private YouTube video:
    • Click to add a new page or post;
      • enter the title (eg. “My Private YouTube Video”),
      • enter the desired textual content,

      Using Gutenberg block

      • Click on to add a new block,
      • Search for a block by entering “embed” and select “Embed Private YouTube Video”,
      • Enter YouTube video ID, toggle player settings (Autoplay, Show title, etc.) and enter values for player width and height.

      In Classic editor

      • click on the button,  Insert YouTube video,
        Insert Youtube Video
        Alternatively, you can use shortcode [yt_video]ytvideoid[/yt_video] or [yt_video controls=”0″ autoplay=”1″ end=”20″]ytvideoid[/yt_video], if you want to pass supported parameters. Supported parameters are – autoplay, cc_lang_pref, cc_load_policy, color, controls, disablekb, end, fs, hl, iv_load_policy, loop, modestbranding, rel, start. See this page for detailed description.
      • select the desired video from the slider and click the Insert video button,
        Insert video slider
    • Hit the Publish button.